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Orchard Park High School

Inspiring our students

Students have had a packed week this week – athletics, music trips and public exams.

On Monday, Year 8 had a fantastic day at the Year 8 Croydon Athletics competition. Their conduct was exemplary, they were polite to members of staff from other schools and wore their PE kit with pride throughout the day. Students achieved the following success:

  • Jayda F won gold in the 200m (B)
  • Justice won silver in 200m (B)
  • Deborah won silver in 100 (B) – she was just pipped on the line!

A special mention to our girls' relay team (Terina, Tegan S, Jayda F and Deborah) who came second in their heat. We are waiting for the results to see if they managed to place in the top three. Well done to Daniil and Zahmari, who placed in the top five for the boys' A and B high jump final.  Thank you Ms Goodwin and Mr Headley for supporting the students. 

Our Year 10 music class visited Kingston University to use their state of the art recording studio, and learn about life at university.  Thank you to Mr Wright for arranging the opportunity. A shout out to Shail in Year 10, who has been noticed by staff this week for showing commitment to his learning, engaging in extra work outside of class to ensure he constantly improves. Ricardo in Year 8 has also had an excellent week, showing strong leadership skills in his dance lessons. 

Year 11 completed an intense first week of written exams. Staff delivered excellent early morning pre-exam warm ups and waited excitedly outside the exam hall to hear about the questions in each paper. It is an intense time of year for staff and students but it is always worth it when you see children high five their teacher as they come out of the hall feeling confident that they did their best. Keep going year 11 – we are so proud of you.

Thank you to our Year 7 families for their superb attendance to parents’ evening yesterday. Your enthusiasm and support for your child’s learning is invaluable to us.

Ms C. Moran, Headteacher