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Orchard Park High School

Taking Pride in our community

Students took part in Pride assemblies and activities this week.

We have had many visitors to Orchard Park this week, ranging from potential members of staff, exam and coursework moderators, to those who are newly employed to the Local Authority and are keen to see our school for the first time. All of them commented on the superb conduct of our students around school, their focus in lessons, presentable uniform and their warmth towards visitors. We know we have fantastic children here and very committed staff; it is lovely when this is noticed by others. 

Ms Smyrk has delivered our Pride assemblies this week, with Sophie in Year 8 reminding our community of our equality pledge. Equality club distributed badges at roll call (pictured) and have planned a Rainbow Bake Sale for Friday 16th June. 

As the weather has warmed-up, the school jumper will be optional for the rest of this half term. Shirts must always be tucked in and no other jumper is to be worn in its place. The blazer remains compulsory. On the subject of uniform, we maintain our high standards throughout the year: the standard remains high until the very end of term. A reminder of the key points:

  • The only jewellery students are permitted is a watch (smart watches are not allowed in school).
  • Blazers are compulsory. If a child chooses to wear a plain black or navy blue coat, this is always over the blazer not instead of it. This applies at all times during the school day and on the journey to and from school.
  • Ties must be worn if your child wears a collared shirt (both boys and girls). Ties do not need to be worn with the blouse.
  • Socks must be plain black or grey (no Nike ticks or ankle trims please).
  • PE kits should be carried in a navy blue, unbranded bag or the school PE bag.

Further information can be found via our policy is here:

Year 11 will embark on their final week of exams. They have been superb and their teachers have given them absolutely everything they can. I could not be more grateful for their dedication. It would be easier to grant study leave but we don’t do this at Orchard Park because we know students should be with expert (and excellent) teachers as much as possible to obtain the best grades. It is harder work to hold on to the year group for this long, but we know it is worth it for our young people. I extend my thanks to our supportive Year 11 parents: you make a huge difference.

Ms C Moran, Head Teacher