Excellent collaboration at design workshops

Year 9 visited John Ruskin College last week.
Design and technology workshops
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Year 9 visited John Ruskin college, taking part in design and technology, engineering, construction and design workshops. They engaged in various group tasks, showing their excellent collaboration (one of our school values) and an ability to meet very tight deadlines. Students also had the opportunity to ask questions of the college lecturers regarding career pathways. Our thanks to Mr Alabi for organising the experience.
Year 7 induction
Our Year 7 cohort of September 2023 continue to visit us ahead of their enrolment. Our second round of arts workshops took place on Wednesday, providing the opportunity to meet staff and make friends. We have also given many personalised tours of the school to help children and families feel comfortable here. A reminder that I am always happy to give any of our parents and carers a tour of our school. Please feel free to request one.
End of year assessments
Key stage 3 (Years 7,8,9) will now be completing their end of year assessments. You will have received communication about this from your child’s Head of Year. Once marked, students will receive feedback in lessons and the outcomes of the assessments will be emailed to families in the last week of term.
Industrial action
The NEU has planned industrial action for the 5th and 7th July. Students in Year 10 will be in school as normal as they have Pre Public Exams scheduled for both of those dates. Those exams must be completed. I will update you on Monday regarding our provision for the rest of the school. We always endeavour to open to as many students as we can but this will depend on staffing.
Ms C Moran, Headteacher