Character clubs launch this week

Art club is just one of the many clubs on offer to our students.
Our Character Cubs launched this week. Art club was at full capacity, as was drama. Dodge ball remains popular, our netball squad received great coaching from Ms Hansford and Rugby (led by Beccehamian Rugby Club) is launching for the second year. All students in Year 7, 8 and 9 should belong to at least one club. The link to our offer is here:
Our new Year 7 cohort continues to impress me. I spent Thursday lunchtime in the library where a number were completing their self quizzing and Sparx homework. I tested a few using their knowledge organisers and they answered all my questions correctly. A special well done to Saira, Alice R and Louisa for working so hard. Staff are very proud of the kindness the older students have shown our Year 7s; we see warm conversations and swift assistance when they can’t find a classroom. We also received feedback from the public about the lovely manners of our students on the local buses.
Today, I held our first rewards breakfast of the year, celebrating Year 10s who have made a great start to their GCSEs. Over croissants and hot chocolate, Maisie, Sophie, Kirsten, Divinelyn, Ethan and Philip shared their ideas on ways to improve the school and they thanked various members of staff. They particularly wanted to show appreciation for their Head of Year, Mr Latouche, describing him as ‘approachable’, ‘a great teacher’ and someone who ‘really listens’ to them. Thank you sir, and well done Year 10.
Our careers advisor is working intensely with Year 11 this term, helping them to set a clear path for life after Orchard Park. Assembly this week was delivered by St Dunstan’s College who want to provide sixth form scholarships to Orchard Park students. Stan, a previous student of ours, spoke about his experience of taking A Levels there. He is off to Oxford University to study Psychology. Staff were thrilled to see him and we hope his success inspires Year 11.
Ms C Moran, Headteacher