An excellent return to school

A special welcome to our new Year 7s.
Thank you, as always, for your support in ensuring we have an excellent return to school. Not only do the children look wonderful in their uniform, they are as polite and positive as ever. A special welcome to all our new year 7 cohort. It is lovely to see them settling in at Orchard Park.
GCSE results 2024
Our exam results were, again, very strong: we are incredibly proud of the Year 11 of 2024. A special mention must go to those students who have achieved the best progress and achievement scores, notably Jonathan F who achieved an outstanding eight grade 9s and two grade 8s, the most successful set of results Orchard Park has seen. Other top achievers include Alicia, Bianca and Patrick, who each achieved seven grade 9s across their subjects. The following students have made exceptional progress; Olivia T, Rehan, Amrutha, Andrei, Abigail K, Saimma, Teagan-Jae, Plamena, Charlie G and Joel. Five of our Year 11 students received full scholarships to study A Levels at St Dunstan’s Independent School. Thank you to our staff who supported every child to achieve their best.
We are now using My Child At School (MCAS) for timetables, attendance, behaviour and payments (trips and lunch). Please follow the instructions on our website MCAS – My Child At School for setting up an account or to log in.
On Thursday 26th September we have our Open Evening from 5.00pm to 7.00pm. We will be closing the school early to allow our site and cleaning team to make preparations. Children in receipt of free school meals can collect a pre-packed lunch from the canteen as they leave. Years 7 and 11 will be dismissed at 12.30, and Years 8, 9 and 10 at 12:45.
Finally, a reminder that we do not allow piercings or jewellery of any kind and we do not provide transparent piercing retainers.
Ms C Moran, Headteacher