Best Maths GCSE results in Croydon!

We have our validated figures for 2022 GCSE results...
Validated GCSE results
We returned after half term to the published performance data for the 2022 GCSE results. The validated figures are now available for all schools on the Department for Education website and it shows a tremendous achievement for Orchard Park. On the headline Progress 8 metric, which measures the amount of progress that students have made during their time at secondary school, Orchard Park scored 0.51 (compared to a national average of -0.03). This is the second highest in the whole of the Borough of Croydon. Our Maths results were the best in Croydon. Students also performed fantastically in English and the sciences, and achieved excellent results in History, Geography, Dance, PE, Sociology and Citizenship. Thank you to our amazing staff, the best I have ever had the pleasure of working with. We must also thank the families of the pupils who sat these exams: we are very appreciative of your support. The results are testament to the determination of staff, pupils and parents to move onwards and upwards post-Covid.
Character clubs
Our focus this week is on ensuring children attend even more Character clubs. Each one is high quality, led by either our own staff or coaches from other professional organisations. We want all children to benefit from the enjoyment and enrichment that comes from developing skills in other areas. Please encourage your child to sign up to as many as possible - they are all free of charge. The full list can be found here.
Year 10 assembly
The highlights of the week include Year 10 assembly, which was not only brilliantly led by Mr Latouche but showed Year 10 at their absolute best: mature, calm and focused. Well done. Equality Club developed their plans to recognise and celebrate diversity at our school including submitting a ‘wish list’ which we will begin to work through. Their first action is to work with a local artist to design a piece of art that reflects the uniqueness of our community.
House events
Last half term’s House events saw a Bake Off, pupils raising money for their House charity and donations to the Shrublands Food Bank (they were thrilled; thank you). We start this half term with our school Christmas card competition. Entries should be designed on A4 sized paper and submitted to Ms Ongley by Friday 18th November.
Wellbeing dogs
We will shortly be introducing two wellbeing dogs into our school, Betty and Paddy. They will join us to teach pupils about responsibility and to support some of our young people as a source of comfort and calm when they need it. Next week I will share further details and the link to our protocol on this.
We ended the week with Fun Friday Karaoke at lunchtime. Listening to children sing a song, en masse, about sweetcorn (allegedly a hit on social media…) was comical.
Enjoy the fireworks.
Ms C Moran, Headteacher