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Orchard Park High School

Welcome to our school dogs

Our school dogs were enrolled this week.

Welcome to our school dogs

Our two school dogs, Paddy (pictured with Mrs Rogers) and Betty, were enrolled at Orchard Park this week. They had a gradual induction to school life, walking around the field and playgrounds and meeting staff and children. 

Christmas events

We have been warming up to the festivities with our House Christmas Tree Competition, Winter Show rehearsals and choir practice. We look forward to our Winter Show on Thursday evening which, impressively, is now completely sold out!

Pupil safety

Sadly, a pupil was the victim of mugging close to Elmers End Tesco at around 8.00am one morning this week. Please speak to your child about keeping their phone hidden in their pocket when they walk to and from school. Phones are expensive and unfortunately there are people who will spot such items in a child’s hands and the child can quickly become the target of a robbery. Thank you to the staff and other pupils who provided immediate support.

Arrangements for the last week of teram

Our Christmas Lunch will take place on Wednesday 14th December, costing £3 per pupil unless entitled to Free School Meals. We finish the term on Friday 16th December. Pupils will be dismissed between 11.50 and 12.20 in a staggered exit. Pupils entitled to a Free School Meal will be able to collect this as they leave. We return to school on Wednesday 4th January. Please remind your child to collect their lost property by the end of term. Anything left behind after this point will be used in our second hand uniform supply.


Ms Wellington will be leaving us at the end of this month. She is moving on to a new role. We wish her the very best and thank her for her contributions to Orchard Park over the last 4 years. Ms Wellington will send separate communication to all families of children with SEND. 


At Orchard Park we love reading. Our pupils start every school day reading a fantastic novel and we have a lovely library. We highly recommend gifting books to your child as a Christmas present. Ms Walsh (Assistant Headteacher) would like to share book lists for years 7-10. They can be accessed here:

End of term news

Next week you will receive a copy of our end of term newsletter showcasing some of the brilliant things that have taken place in our school this term. We will also be sending home your child’s end of term report, via email and in the post. 

A great deal has been achieved this term both in and out of the classroom. Our young people deserve the best school experience and everyone here works hard to give it to them. We now approach a time to rest and reflect.  I hope the break provides the same for you all. Enjoy your Christmas with those you love. 

Ms C Moran, Headteacher