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Orchard Park High School

Being grateful

Saying 'thank you' makes you happier...

It is the second Orchard Park gratitude week so students have been completing and distributing ‘thank you’ slips across the school to both staff and their friends whilst reflecting on the wisdom shared by Ms Ongley that saying ‘thank you’ makes us all happier.  Year 11 Citizenship students, Esther, Georgeet, Caprice, Aalania and Kieron led our House assemblies this week exploring the cost of living crisis and our roles in a democratic society. 

I’d like to give a particular mention to the Year 7 drama classes who performed the Prologue from Romeo and Juliet. Their confidence in both oral delivery and physical gesture was a joy to see. Congratulations to Tina in Year 8 for her phenomenal work in maths this week – Ms Devane is very proud of you. In English, Year 9 students have completed their study of Frankenstein and staff have enjoyed hearing their verdict on the novel (they loved it).  We wish Year 11 art and photography classes the very best of luck with their GCSE exams next week.

Year 8 parents’ evening was fantastic, with excellent attendance and positive conversations. We are very proud of Year 8 – they work hard, socialise brilliantly and are very polite to staff. Well done to every pupil and to Ms Goodwin for her leadership of them. 

The term finishes on Friday 31st March. There will be a staggered dismissal between 11.50 and 12.10. Vouchers to support families eligible for free school meals will be provided for the Easter holidays and will be emailed to you by the end of next week. 

We’ve had a term of snow, rain, some sunshine, trips, shows, parents’ evenings and Year 11 mock exams and staff and students have worked very hard. I hope everyone has a very restful Easter break when it comes: you deserve it.    

Ms C Moran, Headteacher