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Orchard Park High School

Mural to celebrate our school community

Equality Club have worked with a local artist.

Our Equality Club have worked with a local artist to produce a new mural to celebrate the school community at Orchard Park. The artwork was designed by members of the club and then realised by ex-student, Chris O’Shea.

Miss Ongley, Assistant Headteacher, commented: “We are so proud to have a such an engaged group of young people who are so committed to making local and global change.”

The club has also spent time this term debating about how people can work to end racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance in society for Fight Racism Day.

The school recently held a series of assemblies focusing on the need to embrace equity to mark International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8th March. Staff and students then shared their pledges in support, and members of Equality Club handed out purple IWD ribbons in the snow to celebrate.